Sunday, 10 April 2011

What's in my bag?

Hi sugarplums! (the names I call you are getting rather ridiculous)
   How are we all? So it's another lovely sunny day but I have loads of work to do! That work happens to be on the laptop... just a click away from BLOGGING.
So, I thought as a break from typing homework, I will do a what's in my bag post :)

(I wish I could take pictures and put them up here, but I seriously cannot find my camera right now. I gave it to my dad to sort out it's memory card holder thing as it was kind of broken, so he must have it... *fingers crossed*)

So I'll just have to write them, finding google pictures (yaaay.......) ;)


1. My Phone

Check out my blingin' phone guys! *tumbleweed*..... haha okay, so it's no blackberry or Iphone, but it does the job. I seriously am attached to this phone. I love it too much, even though the down volume button isn't working....

2. My Ipod

Here is my little ipod, a purchase from ebay that was never regretted! Seriously a very well worth buy. I use it everyday, on the bus, for revising, walking, other trips in the car,studying. All the time. I also love its fresh green colour :)

3. My mini travel makeup bag

So I have my normal big everyday makeup bag that stays in my drawer, but I also have a small zipped bag that fits nicely in my handbag - it keeps any makeup I need for that particular day for topping up my face. I'll just show you what I would keep in it...

the lip gloss that I would be wearing that particular day...

some pressed powder for my shiny t-zone that appears throughout my day (eww!) this stuff is a life saver, and a complete MUST where ever I go.

some blotting sheets, these aren't the particular ones I have... these look way better! I want to go buy these ones now... haha. But yes, blotting sheets for that oily t-zone too!

Some concealer in case any spots have crept out from under my foundation during the day :) Another MUST!

Some kohl eyeliner because I wear it - it needs topping up throughout the day also!

and that's all in the makeup bag! So moving on...

4. hand cream
Some hand cream (not that many tubs haha). My hands get very dry randomly, especially after washing them and stuff, so this is always with me!

5. The book I'm reading

This would be in my bag for longer journeys. This is the book I am reading at the moment, so I keep it in my bag for long journeys on the bus/train or car journeys where I get bored :)

6. mini hairspray/hair things

I can't really find a picture of ALL of the things, so I'll just tell you :) I would bring some hair grips, spare bobbles, mini hairspray and a comb or something - in case of any emergencies!

And I think that is basically everything! Of course, I may add in other things, it all depends on the journey I'm having. For example, I may have my organizer in my bag sometimes or even food from where ever I was - biscuits, snacks, mints etc!


Thankyou for reading,

ciao ciao !

x x x

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