Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Another babbling post? You have got to be kidding me...

Kid you, I am not...
Sorry guys, I guess I'm just feeling inspired in different ways these days. This week, and for a while actually, I'm just like eeuuuuugh with reviews and products and things. I've gone weird; it just feels so materialized to me right now, like, if I do it it's really only because I feel that's what you want right now. When really I should be doing review posts and things makeup related when I want to share it with you :) Like in my past posts!
So that is my reason right now, I'm not feeling inspired or WOW'd by any recent purchases I've got, I'm not feeling like taking pictures of them and reviewing, I'm just not inspired by money bought things right now. I'm inspired by life or something... I'M A CHANGED WOMAN.
Okay I haven't gone completely off the rails. I'm fine I assure you :) I just enjoy sharing with you what my life has been like recently, even if not exciting. I really do apologise if you're hating this phase I'm going through.. bear with me, it will soon fade and I'll be buying makeup and clothes and reviewing loads like before :)

Me and my sister went out for breakfast earlier, well more like brunch..or..lunch. Why did I say breakfast? That was really silly. We went for muffins and scones and tea and hot chocolate, to a lovely cafe I love. Really enjoyable and we had a good old chinwag! She had to rush off to work though, boo.

She left me home first so again here I am alone in my house.......again.

Sorry I keep pausing my ipod here thinking I'm hearing something.. like kids shouting. WEIRD TIMES.
Remember previous posts before, really depressing ones where I felt nothing was happening in my life and I was bored to heck with everything happening to my friends? Well I feel I am slowly but surely changing that. I know I keep saying it but yes, firstly, I WILL, I repeat WILL be doing my theory test very very soon. Yes the time is a-coming. Bring it on. I want to pass this I HAVE TO.
The job situation is still a failure, but hey, I have a load of babysitting days lined up for the end of the month (sounds pathetic, but it's like from 8am - 3pm.. so I get paid quite a lot, and it takes me out for the day.)
I've also been making new friends, which I put down to just being a confident little rascal on those nights out I had mentioned before. I've realised, just do it. Don't doubt your first idea on the spot, do it and see what happens. If it fails it fails, luckily mine didn't, and I got chatting to one very lovely....person :)
There is complication with this person however, and it's bothered me for a few days. AGAIN, don't want to get into details or go over it much more. I'll just sit back and let whatever happens, happen.

STOP OVER ANALYSING, I tell myself this every day haha.

It was lovely and sunny just a minute ago. What happened?!

I've also been enjoying Foster The People, the band. Great songys! Go listen.

Okay that's enough nattering for one day, hope you're all doing bloody wonderful!!

Ciao for now :)

x x x

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