Thursday, 30 June 2011

My Latest Reads: Review (and also a chit chat!)

Hi readers!
   I want to start off by saying Hey, and a massive thank you for continuing your visitation of my blog! It is appreciated loads :) I was thinking earlier, the most amazing feeling I got when I signed on to blogspot with having had 2 followers, and then seeing it had jumped to 5! (This is obviously no big deal to anyone.. but I had a very proud moment!). Now, it has jumped to 6! ONE WHOLE NEW FOLLOWER! baha, thankyou new followers and welcome :)

Anything else to babble about or shall I just get into it? yes.. hurry up I hear you cry.
So last night I could not sleep a wink. I have no idea why; I went to bed around 12am and just wasn't tired really. When I can't sleep I get so frustrated and angry... it's a hideous sight. I get warm and flustered and uncomfortable. So I thought, heck, let's try and read to calm me down and get me sleepy!

As some of you may or may not know, my current read was Melissa Hill's "Please forgive me". I got this for Christmas but only started reading it around.. February maybe? It took me a while to get through it due to exams!

This is what mine looks like :)
I have to say this book was odd. I'm Irish, it's an Irish book...but I'm not crazy about that kind of thing. Anyway, it's actually set in America. There's a lot of secrets throughout the book, lots of.... "He knew.. I knew.. I could never forget what I did.. he would never forgive me, what I did was awful" etcetc (not exactly those lines but you understand, right?) And this sort of thing leaves you screaming to yourself like WHAT, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! TELL US FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
You really don't find out anything until the very, very end. Which causes a frustrating journey but when all is revealed it is rather shocking! In my mind, I thought of so many things - the obvious kind of "shocker" or what ever, but no.. it really did shock me!

Am I making sense? I'll give you the general plot...

So basically Leonie is Irish from Dublin, she moves to America at the beginning of the book and there's an obvious dilemma evident. Basically we wonder throughout the whole read why she has supposedly "ran away" to America.
Here, she works in a flower shop with Marcy her boss (not really relevant) and meets Alex her neighbour in the apartments they live in (an American journalist who also faces major dilemma in the story).
The two become best friends really, helping each other and what not - well it's actually Leonie following Alex's story of a divorce with her cheating husband Seth - who is supposedly a "charmer".
THEN there are these letters found in Leonie's house. From a past resident of the apartment.. they are love letters from "Nathan" to "Helena" and are very romantic, each one asking for forgiveness.
Which leads to another mystery - why does Nathan want to be forgiven? Who are these people? etcetcetc. Also, Leonie is determined to get to the bottom of it... perhaps indicating they relate to her own life somehow....? Hmmmmmm??

That's the basics. There is Adam also, Leonie's ex from Dublin, the reason why she "escapes" to America. We still have no idea what happens between them until the end though.. I won't spoil it!

It is a pretty crazy read, it struck me as a little cheesy to begin, but you learn to enjoy the characters and the whole book as a whole!

I like that I was actually shocked in the end - twice! Major surprises!

Overall, I recommend :)

Have you read any Melissa Hill books?

Ciao for now!


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