Tuesday, 8 February 2011

blablablablablabla ....etc

Hi my little readers!
   It's time to bless you with a bit of a babbling post. BE PREPARED! I've basically got my music in my ears and am willing to type just about anything; no plans no topic, just general blablabla if you like! :)
I'll start with my week so far. To be honest with you lovelies, it hasn't been that great at all. My usual enemy - Stress - is not even the problem here! It is just the day to day routine in general...and the fact it SNOWED on Monday. That is rather mental.

So it snowed in the morning on Monday and I do not mean snowed I mean BLIZZARDeded..? Yes. Blizzarded. It was madness. I got blown all over the snow and my umbrella was dancing in the wind (but not in a nice way.)
Then, this van/car/lorry (honestly cannot remember) drove past. Throwing a big delicious puddle of muddy cold water alllllll over me. Now this was no tiny splash kids this was majoosive. All over. I was wet and smelt of dog for the whole of my Monday.

As you can tell, I am in one of those moods. (Oh God, those moods!) So please, I apologise for being a pain. I'm just really in the mood to complain!

Another largely significant topic I shall leave out, or else I think I may go insane. Let's just say my circle of chums I am finding rather irritable this week. (and for anyone wondering, I honestly think this is normal. Like come on, we spend every single day together. Don't get me wrong I love them all to bits, SO MUCH, but just this week...it's my mood okay. haha!)

But yes, I am also struggling through the cold at the minute too. My life is on a roll these days!

Apologies to you all for being a rather annoying little rascal. But yes, that is how I'm feeling right at this minute!

To enlighten the mood...

I donated to charity. It may have gone unappreciated but I still did it. Yay charity :)


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