Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Hello Hello Hellooooo!

I've been away a while (again) SORRY!
but..... IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! Thanks to all my family and friends who are just wonderful and who made the day absolutely 100% SPECIAL! :) love you all.
So I'm thinking, I may do a little "what I got for my birthday" post, and maybe pop in some reviews, because I got mostly products and makeup kind of things, like (excited drumroll...)
So I will probably review that after I get a few more goes using it :)

Anyways, just posting a quick update and letting you know what's to come!
Thanks so much for reading, and thanks again to my lovely fam and friends!



Friday, 25 March 2011

100! Weheeeeeey!

Hi lovelies!
   I would firstly like to bring everyone's attention to the fact that I HAVE PASSED THE 100 VIEWS MARK. Awwwwww yeaaaaaaah :)
This is probably a real "who cares" moment, but as I am new to blogging and I really didn't think anything would come out from this, I am therefore VERY excited that 100 of you have basically had a nosey on my blog! THANK YOU!

So exciting, and it has also made me more determined to stick at this old blogging! (Feedback makes ones determination grow stronger!)
So again, THANK YOU for visiting, I would absolutely love if you followed :)

Anyways, aside from this, no more sunny days in old Ireland; major cloudy today, putting a downer on my mood (THANKS CLOUDS, not)
I'm really fed up with routine too. Do you ever get that? The same old thing every day and it's just like eugh, when will it ever change! It's horrible to say because I love them to bits but even friends BECOME part of the routine, to a point where it's like... I want to switch things up a bit and NOT spend every single day with you, y'know?

Maybe I'm just rambling!
Anyways, enjoy your day, I am going to make a nice warm cuppa!

Adios lovelies, thank you once again :)


Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Let the sun shine, let it all go!

Hi lovelies,
this is another post similar to my previous "It's amazing how happy the sun can make you!". And so it continues... It is very lovely and sunny today but even better than last time, IT'S WARM TOO!

It is lovely :)
I have been so chatty and cheery today, again, this is so because of the sun. (How the heck does weather do that?!)
I'm just in from school and have lots of work to be doing.

A mini class discussion (we got distracted, and distracted our teacher, hehe) has made me also want to stick to reading :) I'm reading Please Forgive Me by Melissa Hill but I've sort of abandoned it on chapter 11 for quite some time now, due to school work and having to read 2 novels for my subjects (my subjects are very Englishy....)

So yes, we had a mini chat on books and reading and my teacher was saying how much she loves to read; I kind of forgot how much I love it too. Especially with the sun, it reminds me of Summer which is definitely the reading season!

Enjoy your sunny day little readers!
Chat soon :)



Tuesday, 22 March 2011


AGAIN, sorry another post haha,
I'VE FOUND OUT HOW TO DO THE FONT HERE, turns out it's called default ;)
My posts are all mumbo-jumbo'd now in the font department but oh well, VARIETY IS AWESOME :)


Straight to the point!

Hey Gals!
So I have recently discovered product heaven (in the form of heat protectants)
da da da daaaaaa!
Tresemmé Iron style and HOLD spray (the hold being the important part...)

I've had Tresemmé heat protectant before but not this one, and really that one word "hold" really makes all the difference!
This one says on the back (unlike the other, I think...) to spray it on wet hair and dry, then on dry hair and straighten. It really makes all the difference! After spraying on dry hair and then straightening, my hair is extra extra soft and extra extra shiny and best of all, the style stays in so much longer whether I straighten OR curl.

It's rather awesome :)

Okay, that is all haha

Thankies for visiting and please do follow, it would make my day :)



Monday, 21 March 2011

While I'm here..

I know I literally JUST posted something,
but I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me... (this will probably be a silly newbie question)
I've revamped the blog. And now, I am in LOVE with the "Coming Soon" font used on it :)
Is it possible to get this font in my posts? (please say yes, haha)

anyway, thankies!


Mini Update

Hello Hello Hello!
So I have decided, to keep the blog going and on those days where nothing really is happening, I will do "Mini Update" posts.
These will simply be... Mini Updates!
Just what I am doing right this very minute! So let this be the first :)

Just sippin' on some tea, going to begin some school work as I have looooads of tests and essays for this week! (eugh)

Sipping tea in my wooly wooly sheep mug by the way, amazing. Thanks Mum! :)

Enjoy your lovely wet day (in Ireland anyway!)


Sunday, 20 March 2011

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *girly screams continue*

Oh. my. actual. heavens.
Firstly: HELLO. HOLA!

So last night was concert night. Yes, I was lucky enough to go and see..... Mr Enrique Iglesias, live, in concert, fully there, on stage, little jeans and t-shirt, little cap, lovely tan, in front of my eyes. (etc etc you get it)
IT WAS.. amazing.

I am so overly excited and haven't stopped buzzing since about 2am last night. HA.
Let's just say that man is CRAZY. I've been to many brilliant concerts before, but y'know with concerts the way you always get the feeling it's really rehearsed? Like... they do the same thing at every country they go to? WELL, this was just plain mad.

It was normal at first, the songs the running down the middle stage etc. THEN, oh gosh then.. he just went mad. He started shouting to everyone to come closer (not a standing concert, so floor seating and tiered seating, usually you just stand at your chair and boogie, but he was having none of this...)

And yes, ofcourse we all did. So it was just a huge swarm of girls everywhere, knocking each other over, metal railings being pushed over, security were very angry....

So yes, AN AMAZING NIGHT in every way. WHAT. A. MAN.

hehehe..... :)

Adios! ;)


Saturday, 19 March 2011

Picture of The Day 19-3-11

Hi lovelies,
   I thought I would share my picture of the day with you. Again, this was another Google find (guilty). There's something about it I just love, I think it's to do with where it's taken and the girl's outfit :) I love it

Hope you do too!



Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's amazing how happy the sun can make you :)

Hi gals!
I am on such a high at the moment. Well, I will say it has rubbed off a little, sadly. But today was such a high for me! I definitely put it down to the sunshine :) It's amazing.
Cloudless skies, BLUE skies, sunny, smells of grass, it really feels like summer :)

I've been dying to go for a walk since I've come home from school but it's now... 6.15pm. The sun has kinda set, AND I AM GUTTED
You don't understand how excited I was to go on that walk. Headphones in. Nice summery (but cold) dander around...booo. It looks very cold outside now :(

This has to be the most stupidest and most random post ever. But what I will say is, Happy St Patrick's Day for tomorrow :) I hope you all enjoy, Irish or not, STILL ENJOY! :)


Friday, 11 March 2011

Not-so-beautifully matte!

Hi dollies
Okay Okay, so this is rather confusing. So I just did a review the other day on the new No7 Beautifully Matte foundation as I just purchased it.
Now if you've read the review, you will know that I just applied the foundation in my home and wore it for an hour and all seemed well and good.

I guess happiness doesn't last forever.
Today I thought I'll give the foundation a go for a full school day, see how it holds up etc.
NOW... If we go back a few months to my experience with Revlon Colorstay I shall explain how it went:
I applied it, it looked great, throughout the day, it looked awful.

For No7 let me tell you it's process...
I applied it, it looked awful, throughout the day, it looked utterly unexplainably awful.

I really don't understand what happened as when I wore it in my house, IT LOOKED FINE!

I complained a little the other day about it's colour. It's colour is baaaaaad. I thought this wouldn't be a huge issue but by God, IT IS.

I literally felt like a Simpson when I first applied. I was rushing for school so I had to look at myself and think RIGHT, wear this to school. It'll be okay (SIMPSON FACE)

So yes. I was yellow in the morning. Now let's talk about later, LATER!
(I sound very angry and like a crazy lady...)
Later the foundation went terribly patchy and dried out my cheeks, leaving my nose, forehead and chin as shiny as ever, if not shinier.

That doesn't really fit the "BEAUTIFULLY MATTE" description now does it..

Okay, I will stop the ranting. I just had such high expectations :'( and they are completely ruined! :(

This confirms my overall hate for buying foundations.



Thursday, 10 March 2011

Beautifully matte!

Aloha duckies!
   Today was D-day. aka - results day. OH GOODNESS!
I must admit I was shocked and happy and disappointed all at the same time! I got an A (YAY) and a D.. oh.. okay.. haha
Very different marks but what ever, I am pleased. Although repeats will be terribly unpleasant :(

Anyways, after school I popped into town for some foundation as my current Lasting Finish 16 hour is running terribly low! Unfortunately, they've discontinued it too (MAJOR EUGH) and replaced it instead with "25 hour". I didn't purchase though, I was in the mood for change
SOOO.. you've heard me ranting here before about No7's beautifully Matte foundation and, after buying some shampoo and heat protectant in boots and therefore getting a £5 off No7 products, I finally bought it :)

The first thing I'll say is that their colour range is a bit awkward, I had to put a whole bunch of them onto my hand and walk out of the shop to see them in normal lighting.

Some things I'll just point out to start us of:
  • It has SPF 15, always a bonus, even if you are living in not-so-sunny Ireland!
  • It was around £13 but with the £5 off No7 voucher it was around £8
  • It is based on people who want a matte finish, therefore aimed at oily/combo skin types
  • It's packaging is gorgeous! I love the way that foggy little section you see in the picture above moves up as you use the product - squirting out every last drop!
  • It claims to achieve a "long-lasting shine-free natural look"
So yes, I am wearing it on my face right as we speak! I applied it at around 6.45pm and will be taking it off at 8pm for a shower, so I'll see how it holds up.

Mine is in 10 New Ivory which I won't lie, I am a little weary about. I have never found a more perfect colour than Rimmel's 200 soft beige and this was the closest to it. However, i feel this one is verrry yellow based. I usually go for yellow undertones in foundation rather than pink/peachy but from what I've seen, this is extremely yellow toned!

Its application is quite nice and unexpected shall I say? First dabbing it on the face is nice and creamy but once you start rubbing - that stuff dries fast! It isn't in a horrible painty cracking way - like Revlon colorstay in my opinion - it just dries lovely and matte and creamy.

I think it's finish is very similar to the No7 intelligently balanced mousse - which this product replaced. I liked the mousse's finish but hated how it rubbed off so easily and as liquid doesn't rub off so easily, I am quite pleased! :)

So, so far so good. I guess I better pop in an update at around 8pm.

(Just had a glimpse of my face - looking very natural, I can see some spots though but I think that is because I rushed the application...oops! It is also looking very matte and not as yellow as expected, let's hope this applies in ALL lighting!)

So Thank You all for reading! I hope this helped you somewhat, I will definitely keep you updated on how I feel about this product as my expectations are so high!

Enjoy your evening :)



Saturday, 5 March 2011

It's been very long...

Hi lovelies!
I'm going to start with an apology and let's face it, this isn't the first time!
Apologies for again, leaving the blog untouched for quite some time... I've been a bit busy with school and at home for various reasons but I am sorry for the lack of posts :D
What have I been doing? The main thing that has kept me in a bubble for quite some time was a family death (I made it awkward, I KNOW haha)
well yes, this was obviously a difficult time not only for me but all of my family. I've never seen so many tears among everyone :)
It has only made us all stronger as a unit and closer as family, and has done wonders for myself and everyone's faith etc.
Sad times I know, sorry again for putting a black cloud over the blog :')

Aside from this, I have obviously missed a lot of school too so that's been another thing holding me back - major copying up to be done!

Anyway, there are also things to look forward to! Birthdays this month, St Patrick's, and EXAM RESULTS (awkward silence)
I joke, that isnt very good at all. But wish me luck (please) haha :)

Thanks again for stopping by! Enjoy March :)

Much love,